The present study of 1997 and 1998 seasons was conducted to investigate the influence of preharvest potassium and phenylalanine foliar sprays on Pairi mango fruit characteristics during cold storage at 10 o C and relative humidity of 85-90%.Results indicated that potassium and phenylalanine treatments caused a reduction in weight loss, while the percentage of fruit decay and fruit firmness, generally, were not affected by all treatments. In the meantime, all treatments caused an increase in total soluble solids, sugar fractions and reduction in fruit starch.Results, also, revealed that potassium treatments increased juice acidity, while phenylalanine fioliar application alone did not influence juice acidity during the cold storage.In both years of study, results revealed that both potassium and phenylalanine caused a decrease in peel total chlorophyll and general increase in both carotene and anthocyanine.Regarding the effect of storage time, results showed an increase in the percentage of weight loss, fruit decay, total soluble solids, sugar fractions and carotene and anthocyanin. On the contrary, reduction in fruit starch content, juice acidity and destruction in peel chlorophyll occurred as the storage period advanced.