The instantaneous elastic moduli for a nylon-6 monofilament were derived on strain recoveries fight after creep, stress relaxation, and rapid elongation, Ec, E8 and E~, respectively. It was found that during strain recovery Es(>E~) and E~ increase monotonically with increasing load, ml, on the sample. The extrapolated value of Es at ml =0 g is almost equal to Young's modulus, 4.06 GPa. The value of Er also increased with increasing ml, and at ml=600 g (1.93 tem -2) reached about 14 GPa. The endothermic heat change right after creep, stress relaxation or rapid elongation, Q, was negligibly small. For comparison, E,, Er and Q were also investigated for silicone rubber. It was found that Es (53.8 MPa at the draw ratio D= 1.2) decreased abruptly at D = 1.3. In the range of D = 1.4-1.9, Es was only 22.6 MPa. In the case of stress relaxation, Q increased with increasing D from 4 J mo1-1 (at D= 1.2) to 56 J mol -l (at D= 1.9). Furthermore Er (5.58 MPa at ml = 133.8 g (429.4 kg em-2)) increased gradually with increasing ml and attained 16.6 MPa at ml =548.4 g (1.76 t cm-2). In the ease of creep, Q was in the range of 0-11.5 J moF l and larger when larger loads, m2, were removed during the later stages of creep.