The intentional or unintentional introduction of a pathogen in an urbanThe West Nile virus epidemic is a useful case study for examining the communication challenges posed by the appearance of a new infectious disease in an urban setting. 1 Effective communication is critical to the successful resolution of any type of health, safety, or environmental controversy. 2-4 High-concern situations involving risk create substantial barriers to effective communication 5,6 and evoke strong emotions, such as fear, anxiety, distrust, anger, outrage, helplessness, and frustration. 7,8 When the communication environment becomes emotionally charged, the rules for effective communication change. Familiar and traditional approaches often fall short or can make the situation worse. 2,3 A body of communication theory, known as risk communication, offers insights into how crises and high-concern situations alter the usual rules of communication. 3,7 Risk communication science also provides a set of principles for meeting the challenges posed by the New York City West Nile virus epidemic. 2,3,9
THE RISK COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVEThe National Academy of Sciences defines risk communication as