“…The daily performance of ICP-MS in terms of sensitivity and background signals were tested using Tune 7 and 8 solutions with Ag, Al, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cs, Cu, Ga, Ho, In, Li, Mg, Mn, Ni, Rh, Sc, Sr, Ta, Tb, Tl, U, Y, and Zn containing 1 µg/L of each element in 2% HNO 3 and Ba, Bi, Ce, Co, In, Li, and U containing 1 µg/L of each element in 2% HNO 3 + 0.5% HCl. To obtain calibration curves, two sets of internal standards were prepared to match the concentration ranges in the samples: a high standard series of 25 elements ( 7 Li, 9 Be, 11 B, 24 Mg, 27 Al, 45 Sc, 55 Mn, 59 Co, 60 Ni, 63 Cu, 66 Zn, 71 Ga, 88 Sr, 89 Y, 95 Mo, 107 Ag, 133 Cs, 137 Ba, 140 Ce, 159 Tb, 165 Ho, 181 Ta, 205 Tl, 209 Bi, and 238 U) at concentrations of 3-35 µg/L and a low standard series of 18 elements ( 23 Na, 31 P, 32 S, 39 K, 44 Ca, 48 Ti, 51 V, 52 Cr, 57 Fe, 73 Ge, 75 As, 77 Se, 90 Zr, 111 Cd, 118 Sn, 121 Sb, 202 Hg, and 208 Pb) with concentrations between 0.5 and 1.0 µg/L. As internal standards, rhodium ( 103 Rh) and indium ( 115 In) were used at concentrations of 10 and 5 µg/L, respectively.…”