“…Papers relating to the analysis of risk aversion in general winner-pay auction environments are Maskin and Riley (1984) and Matthews (1987), both discussing risk-averse bidders' behaviour in auctions, Esö and White (2004), analysing precautionary bidding in auctions, and Esö and Futó (1999), who derive the revenue-optimal strategy for a risk-averse seller, and Hu, Matthews, and Zou (2010) who discuss reserve prices. The existing analyses of asymmetric auctions, for instance Amann and Leininger (1996), Lizzeri and Persico (2000), Maskin and Riley (2000), Fibich, Gavious, and Sela (2004), Parreiras and Rubinchik (2010), Kirkegaard (2012), or Kaplan and Zamir (2012), typically employ asymmetric distributions (or supports) while we use our idiosyncratic varianceaversion parameter.…”