1992; McDivitt et al. 1992;Sarnelli and Squartini 1991;Kelsey and Gammon 1990).It is known that breast-feeding and pregnancy are protective against malignant breast disease and are risk factors for BBD (Ma et al. 2010;Minami et al. 1998). In the literature, it is not clarifi ed if there is a correlation between breast-feeding and its duration with BBD. Moreover, we have only little information about BBD aetiology and correlation to women ' s reproductive function, despite its high prevalence in the young female population. Th e objective of our study is to investigate the possible correlation between BBD and breast-feeding.
Materials and methodsTh e series in this study consisted of women who presented to the Senology Outpatients Facility in our Department of Surgery during 2008, and a random control group of women who delivered in our Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology during 2008. Th is study was conducted according to the declaration of Helsinki, and with internal review board approval.Women were referred to our outpatients facility complaining of breast pain, discomfort or incidental clinical fi ndings. Among 355 women with a diagnosis of BBD, we chose to include those in their fertile age, under 40 years, with a histological diagnosis of BBD or a confi rmed BI-RADS 1 -2 (at least twice). We stated these selection criteria to minimise the possible inclusion of malignant pathologies. A total of 105 BBD and 98 controls were available for data analysis.Information on reproductive history (age at menarche, age at fi rst birth, age at last birth, history of abortion, parity, history of lactation for the last and previous children); medical history (histories of benign breast disease and gynaecological disease and family history of breast cancer); and other information (e.g. age, BMI, use of contraceptive or any other hormonal therapy) was collected by telephone interview, at routine outpatients visits or consulting clinical fi les of women aff ected by BBDs. In the control group, we collected the following information: age, parity, breast-feeding and its duration.Women aff ected by BBD were regrouped into two major categories according to their parity (nullipara and non-nullipara). We then divided the non-nulliparous group of women who breastfed, into two sub-groups based on breast-feeding duration. In particular, we took into consideration as duration cut-off the 3rd quartile of cumulative breast-feeding duration (corresponding to 20 months) and the 3rd quartile of breast-feeding duration per child (i.e. 13 months).We evaluated breast size with a scale ranging from 1 to 8: 1 ϭ 65 cm; 2 ϭ 70 cm; 3 ϭ 75 cm; 4 ϭ 80 cm; 5 ϭ 85 cm; 6 ϭ 90 cm; 7 ϭ 95 cm and 8 ϭ 100 cm. We considered gynaecological age as Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, January 2012; 32: 58-61 © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd. ISSN 0144-3615 print/ISSN 1364-6893 online DOI: 10.3109/01443615.2011 Benign breast disease (BBD) is very common among women in their fertile age, but its correlation with breast reproductive function remains unclear. Our study ...