Hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV) infection have been proposed as risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma, but the results are inconsistent through different reports. This study is to carry out a hospital-based case-control study to investigate the association between HBV and HCV infection and cholangiocarcinoma in Turkey. A total of 127 cases and 48 matched controls were included in the study. There were 89 cases with extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, 10 cases with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and 28 cases with gallbladder cancer. The patients and controls were questioned on smoking, alcohol drinking, history of cholecystolithiasis, choledocholithiasis and hepatolithiasis. Blood from all participants were tested for HBsAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-HBc IgG and Anti-HCV. The prevalence of smoking, alcohol drinking, cholecystolithiasis, choledocolithiasis, hepatolithiasis, anti-HCV, HBsAg and antiHBs/anti-HbcIgG did not differ significantly between the patients and controls (p>0.05). In the subgroup analysis there was no significantly more prevalent risk factor except smoking in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (p= 0.019). In conclusion, HBV or HCV infection were not found to be risk factors for development of CC in this study.
Keywords: Cholangiocarcinoma, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
Hepatit B ve C Virüs Enfeksiyonu ve Kolanjiokarsinom: Türkiye'de Bir Vaka-Kontrol Çal›flmas›Hepatit B ve C virüsü (HBV ve HCV) enfeksiyonu, kolanjiokarsinom için risk faktörleri olarak öne sürülse de, farkl› raporlarda sonuç-lar tutars›zd›r. Bu çal›flmada Türkiye'de HBV ve HCV enfeksiyonu ve kolanjiokarsinom aras›ndaki iliflkiyi araflt›rmak için hastane tabanl› bir vaka-kontrol çal›flmas› yürütülmüfltür. Toplam 127 vaka ve 48 sa¤l›kl› kontrol çal›flmaya al›nd›. 89 olguda ekstrahepatik kolanjiokarsinom, 10 olguda intrahepatik kolanjiokarsinom ve 28 olguda safra kesesi kanseri vard›. Hasta ve kontrol grubundakiler sigara, alkol kullan›m›, kolesistolitiazis, koledokolitiazis ve hepatolitiazis için sorguland›. Tüm kat›l›mc›lar›n kanlar› HBsAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-HBc IgG ve Anti-HCV için test edildi. Hasta ve kontrol grubu aras›nda sigara, alkol kullan›m›, kolesistolitiazis, koledokolitiazis ve hepatolitiazis, anti-HCV, HBsAg ve anti-HBs/anti-HbcIgG prevelans› aç›s›ndan anlaml› fark yoktu (p> 0.05). Alt grup analizinde intrahepatik kolanjiokarsinomda sigara d›fl›nda (p= 0.019) hiçbiri anlaml› risk faktörü olarak görülmedi. çal›flmam›zda HBV ve HCV enfeksiyonlar›, kolanjiokarsinom geliflimi için risk faktörü olarak saptanmam›flt›r.