Methods: This was a record review study conducted at King Hussein medical centre during a 12month period between January 2013 and January 2014 on all women who had vaginal deliveries of a term alive single fetus in cephalic presentation. Information on age, parity, mode of vaginal delivery, birth weight of the newborn, and episiotomy rate, were recorded. Simple descriptive statistics, (Frequency and percentage), were used to describe the variables. Results: The episiotomy rate was 52% in our hospital. The most common indications were nulliparous, instrumental deliveries, rigid perineum, fetal weight above 3,500 g, and prolonged second stage of labor. Conclusion: The episiotomy rate is high at our hospital (52%) in the face of current evidence based literature that supports restricted use of episiotomy. Nulliparity and instrumental deliveries appear to be the risk factors for episiotomy.