“…Criteria used to diagnose or label a neonate having TTN were clinical signs of respiratory distress (tachypnea, grunting, nasal flaring, retractions and cyanosis), tachypnea which persisted 48-72 hours, chest X-ray consistent with TTN (hyperaeration, perihilar streaking, flattening of diaphragm and pleural or interstitial fluid) and absence of any diagnosis leading to respiratory distress. 19 Neonates with hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, polycythemia, meconium aspiration, any congenital cardiac, respiratory or central nervous system malformation, septicemia and birth asphyxia were excluded. Controls were classified as neonates born at term gestation by elective LSCS due to one of similar sets of indications in mothers as of cases and who did not develop respiratory distress and had no other indication for admission at birth.…”