Previous studies of the relationship between socio-economic status and cervical cancer have been mainly based on record linkage of routine data, such as cancer registry incidence rates and regional measures of social class based on census data. These routine data are liable to substantial misclassification with respect to socio-economic status. Previous reports are also primarily from developed countries, whereas the major burden of cervical cancer is in developing countries. We have therefore pooled the data from previously reported case-control studies of cervical cancer or dysplasia, which contain individual-level information on socioeconomic characteristics to investigate the relationship between cervical cancer, social class, stage of disease, geographical region, age and histological type. Based on 57 studies, we found an increased risk of approximately 100% between high and low social class categories for the development of invasive cervical cancer, and an increased risk of approximately 60% for dysplasia, including carcinoma in situ. Although the difference was observed in all countries, it was stronger in low/middle income countries and in North America than in Europe. No clear differences were observed between squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, or between younger and older women. These results indicate that both cervical infection with human papillomavirus, which is linked to both female and male sexual behaviour, and access to adequate cervical cancer screening programmes are likely to be important in explaining the large cervical cancer incidence rates observed in different socioeconomic groups, and that the importance of these factors may vary between different geographical regions. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: meta-analysis; cervical cancerCervical cancer is the third most common cancer among women world-wide with an estimated 471,000 cases and 230,000 deaths occurring per year, more than 80% of which occur in developing countries. 1 An overview of 21 published studies reported a consistent increasing trend in cervical cancer incidence with various indicators of decreasing social class, including level of education, income and occupation. 2 The main explanations advanced for the excess risk among lower socio-economic groups are related to sexual behaviour, corresponding to a greater chance to acquire and/or become chronic carriers of human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a necessary cause of cervical cancer. Less access to early diagnosis or cytological screening for cervical cancer is also likely to result in a higher incidence and mortality.One problem highlighted by the overview of previous studies was that the majority have been based on record linkage between mortality or cancer registry incidence data and regional measures of social class based on census data. These routine data are usually not collected at the individual level and are liable to substantial misclassification. In addition, the studies are primarily from Western Europe and North America, whereas the major burden o...