Summary:Recurrence is the main risk of progression of spontaneous pneumothorax (PNX).The recurrence rate varies according to the authors between 20 and 60%. To determine the factors predicting recurrence of pneumothorax in our population, a retrospective analytical study was conducted over a period of five years between April 2010 and 2016, covering 46 cases of patients hospitalized for recurrentspontaneous pneumothorax. The smoking status of patients, the profession and the non-respect of hygiene rules remain in our context the main predictive factors for recurrence.
Introduction:-The PNX is defined as the presence of air in the pleural space. It'sa frequent pathologyof which the recurrence is the main evolutive risk, life threatening of the patient. The risk is increased by a variety of factors, which the identification helps to indicate some preventive measures.
Materials and methods:-It's a retrospective analytical studyover a five-year period, between April 2010 and 2016, conducted on 46 files of patients hospitalized for spontaneous pneumothorax recurrence. The PNX is considered primary or secondary depending on the existence or not of an underlying respiratory pathology. Excluded from the study, traumatic PNX, iatrogenic and the patients who kept a detachment on the first episode. The objective of our work is to specify the recurrence predictive factorsin our population.
Results:-The recurrent PNX present 19% (46 cases) of the whole hospitalized PNX during the study period. The average age was of 42 years old with a male dominance (44 men for 2 women). The active smoking was noted in 77% of patients (35 cases) with an average of 39 pack-years of cigarettes, associated to cannabis in 32% (15 cases). The average age of the beginning of toxic habits was 18 years old with extreme between 14 and 22 years old. In 60% of cases, patients had job requiring important physical efforts (butcher, mechanic) with impossibility of changing their job, which was linked to the recurrence in 87% (23 cases). In their medical history, 20% of patients (9 cases) were followed for chronic obstructive pneumonia, two patients (4%) were having uncontrolled asthma, five (11%) were treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, one patient had a cardiopathy and another one was followed for Behcet disease.The Thoracic CT-scan realized remotelyfrom the PNX episode in 55% of patients (25 cases) had objectivated pulmonary emphysema in 53% (24 cases), sequalae cavities in 7% (15 cases) and blebs in 9 cases (19%). The PNX was considered primary in 73% and secondary in 27%. The average between the two episodes was