“…Health behaviors regarding vaccination were based of the infant's vaccination card from TipatChalavor the mother's selfreport. In Israel, systematic and orderly vaccination is delivered universally to child populations by TipatChalav (Health and Development Center for Infants) [23,24]. Adhering to the vaccinations regimen signified mothers' vaccinations behaviors: HBV (Hepatitis B) is administered by intramuscular injection three times: at birth, at one month and at six months; IPV (polio) vaccine is administered by intramuscular injection: at two months, at four months, at six months and at one year; DTaP (Diphtheria,Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine, is administered by intramuscular injection: at two months, at four months, at six monthsand at one year; Hib (Haemophilusinfluenzae b), is administered by intramuscular injection: at two months, at four months, at six monthsand at one year; PCV13 (pneumococcal infections), is administered by intramuscular injection: at two months, at four months and at one year; MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) and Var (Varicella-chicken pox) are administered by subcutaneous injection once at the age of one year; and HAV (Hepatitis A), is administered by intramuscular injection twice during the second year of the child's life: at 18 months and at 24 months [23,24].…”