Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB).
Methods:We identified 147 subjects with DLB and sampled 2 sex-and age-matched cognitively normal control subjects for each case. We also identified an unmatched comparison group of 236 subjects with Alzheimer disease (AD). We evaluated 19 candidate risk factors in the study cohort.Results: Compared with controls, subjects with DLB were more likely to have a history of anxiety (odds ratio; 95% confidence interval) (7.4; 3.5-16; p , 0.0001), depression (6.0; 3.7-9.5; p , 0.0001), stroke (2.8; 1.3-6.3; p 5 0.01), a family history of Parkinson disease (PD) (4.6; 2.5-8.6; p , 0.0001), and carry APOE e4 alleles (2.2; 1.5-3.3; p , 0.0001), but less likely to have had cancer (0.44; 0.27-0.70; p 5 0.0006) or use caffeine (0.29; 0.14-0.57; p , 0.0001) with a similar trend for alcohol (0.65; 0.42-1.0; p 5 0.0501). Compared with subjects with AD, subjects with DLB were younger (72.5 vs 74.9 years, p 5 0.021) and more likely to be male (odds ratio; 95% confidence interval) (5.3; 3.3-8.5; p , 0.0001), have a history of depression (4.3; 2.4-7.5; p , 0.0001), be more educated (2.5; 1.1-5.6; p 5 0.031), have a positive family history of PD (5.0; 2.4-10; p , 0.0001), have no APOE e4 alleles (0.61; 0.40-0.93; p 5 0.02), and to have had an oophorectomy before age 45 years (7.6; 1.5-39; p 5 0.015).Conclusion: DLB risk factors are an amalgam of those for AD and PD. Smoking and education, which have opposing risk effects on AD and PD, are not risk factors for DLB; however, depression and low caffeine intake, both risk factors for AD and PD, increase risk of DLB more strongly than in either. Neurology Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common dementia syndrome, representing 10% to 15% of cases. Knowledge of risk factors for DLB may provide clues to the underlying pathophysiology, yet the only known risk factors are advanced age, male sex, 1 and a family history of dementia.2 We compared the frequency of Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD) risk factors among subjects with DLB to age-and sex-matched controls, and to subjects with AD. Risk factors driving amyloid pathology should be present in AD and, to a lesser extent, in DLB. In contrast, risk factors driving Lewy body pathology should be found in DLB, but not AD or control subjects.METHODS Standard protocol approvals, registrations, and patient consents. All protocols were approved by our institutional review board, and consent was obtained from subjects and carers.Subjects. Subjects were recruited into 3 longitudinal studies at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. The Alzheimer Disease Patient Registry (1985)(1986)(1987)(1988)(1989)(1990)(1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004) 3 and Alzheimer Disease Research Center Study (1999-present) recruited patients with incident dementia and age-and sex-matched controls. The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging (2004-present) follows all community-dwelling persons aged 70 to 89 years.