Peace-of-Mind-Empowering 'Intent' Detoxifies Psychosis Bob Johnson CHILDHOODS MATTER. Human beings have a prodigious capacity to learn. The language we absorb at our mother's knee is vastly complex, supple, subtle and continually in flux-but vital for social skills. And also crucial, for that ever elusive target for which we all strive, PEACE-OF-MIND. Those of us born into confident peaceable families, unsurprisingly, face the adult world with confidence and delight. We use language to grow solid, reliable, TRUSTWORTHY social networks-which we accept without a second thought. We presume that this is normal, healthy, and the rightful desert of every human being ever born-which it is. Sometimes it doesn't work like that. Some grow up in families that have yet to learn that the very essence of homo sapiens is sociability. Industrialisation didn't help. Their deepest wish is to be Lovable, Sociable and Non-Violent-indeed that is the way every single one of us is born. But this can prove harder to acquire than learning a language. The opposite then becomes the norm. It becomes fixed in our minds that everybody else is essentially like us-Unlovable, AntiSocial and ever prone to Violence. Terrifying childhoods ensure deeply terrified adults. This paper explores how TRUST, which is the antidote to all fears, can restore your peace-of-mind, and thereby our planetary-peace-of-mind. It has seven sections-(1) What's YOUR Mind for?; (2) The Simple Science of Sanity; (3) The Simple Science of Insanity; (4) Planning Ahead on the Basis That You're Still Only Two Years Old; (5) Invalidating Psychoses; (6) Planetary Peace-of-Mind?; (7) Conclusions. Science had seemed to offer the stability and security we all crave-sadly, the more we learn about the inanimate world, the more its inherent chaos becomes ever clearer. Only VALIDATION by other sociable humans can remotely fill the void. This applies to everyone of us. Without it, we all go through life, bereft. A deeper sanity, a healthier realism does exist-but can we implement it, before it's too late?