In this article we have analyzed the current state of the ecosystems of Polesye rivers in Ukraine, the causes of their degradation. We have primarily made recommendations for urban planning and the reclamation of coastal areas of Polesye rivers in urban and suburban areas. Ukrainian rivers are classified into 3 categories: Polesye rivers, mountain rivers and rivers in river-cut valleys. In this article we analyzed the natural features of Polesye river ecosystems and the reasons and factors of their degradation. We have made some recommendations with respect to town-planning and the reclamation of coastal territories: in both urban and suburban zones.The river ecosystem is a naturally balanced formation - disturbance of the coastal area directly affects the state of the riverbed. Maintaining the natural (optimal) functioning of the river ecosystem and its catchment area helps to increase their self-cleaning capabilities and minimize the impact of extreme situations, including low-water years. Any measures for the preservation or reconstruction of the ecosystem of the river and river valley should be aimed at the reproduction of natural complexes, originally characteristic of the area and the landscape.In order to maintain, preserve, protect and restore the ecological balance, the urban organization of coastal areas of Polissya rivers in urban and suburban areas should take into account the presence of wetlands of coastal areas, the number of wetlands, small number of aquatic and air-water plants. features of Polissya river ecosystems. The dominance of the landscape direction of the urban organization of the coastal areas of Polissya will help maintain the natural balance, which is the key to maintaining the purity of Polissya rivers and the stability of coastal areas.