Throughout the Quaternary period, the Earth's surface has been subject to large changes in temperature and precipitation associated with fluctuations between glacial and interglacial states that have a ected biogeochemical cycling 1-4 . However, the e ect of these climate oscillations on weathering is debated, with climate modelling e orts using empirical relationships between measures of climate and weathering 1,5,6 suggesting minimal changes in global weathering rates between these two climate states 7,8 . The ratio of the cosmogenic isotope 10 Be, which is produced in the atmosphere and deposited to the oceans and the land surface, to 9 Be, which is introduced to the oceans by the riverine silicate weathering flux, can be used to track relative weathering fluxes 9,10 . Here we apply this proxy to marine sediment beryllium records 11-16 spanning the past two million years, and find no detectable shifts in inputs from global silicate weathering into the oceans. Using climate model simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum 17 along with a model for silicate weathering 18 , we find that there was large regional variability in runo between glacial and interglacial periods, but that this regional variability was insu cient to shift global weathering fluxes. We suggest that this stability in weathering explains the observation 19 that the removal of CO 2 from the atmosphere by silicate weathering has been in approximate balance with CO 2 degassing over the past 600,000 years.During Quaternary interglacial periods the Earth's surface is subjected to warmer temperatures, a shifted and more intense hydrologic cycle 20 , ecosystem change, and higher atmospheric CO 2 concentrations 19 than during glacial periods. Weathering is sensitive to climate 6 , and an increase in weathering flux is thought to follow exposure of glacial debris at glacial terminations 21 . Yet, empirical watershed relationships between measures of climate and weathering 1,5 , combined with global-scale climate simulations that pair runoff distributions with lithology, have suggested small changes in global weathering fluxes 7,8 . A test of these predictions is still pending, as direct evidence regarding global weathering and sediment 2 fluxes over glacial and interglacial timescales is scarce. Only increased weathering in large floodplains over the Holocene has been reported 3 . Further, radiogenic isotopes measured in the ocean sedimentary record show glacial-interglacial shifts 1 , but these proxies may reflect changes in the source and the style of weathering 21,22 , rather than changes in flux.To directly measure relative weathering fluxes over glacial-interglacial variations, we used the 10 Be(meteoric)/ 9 Be ratio 9 . Unlike most isotope systems, the 10 Be/ 9 Be ratio is set by the individual fluxes of the two isotopes into the oceans 10 (see Supplementary Information Sections 1 and 2). Although the flux of meteoric 10 Be to the ocean can be calculated from cosmic ray 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Pacific South Atlantic− Indian North Atlantic Mediterranean...