We explore the dynamics and determinants of volatility connectedness between cryptocurrencies and energy. We employed a block dynamic equicorrelation model and a group volatility connectedness measurement to measure the cross-equicorrelation and volatility connectedness between cryptocurrencies and energy. We also adopted dynamic model averaging to identify the time-varying drivers. The results suggest that changes in cross-equicorrelation between the two groups were affected by influential global events and increased after the COVID-19 pandemic. Volatilities were transmitted in both directions between cryptocurrencies and energy, but the transmission from energy to cryptocurrencies is by far the strongest. The driver identification implies that the factors related to cryptocurrencies and global financial markets had important roles in explaining the volatility connectedness from cryptocurrencies to energy in some periods after the COVID-19 pandemic, but the effects were marginal. In contrast, factors such as electricity consumption, cryptocurrency turnovers, and VIX were important in affecting the volatility connectedness from energy to cryptocurrencies, and the effects depended on factors and changed over time.