vi also what I often needed most. Mom, thanks for always instilling the belief that I could do anything. Nathan, thanks for being equal parts counselor and brother. I could not have gotten through some of the more difficult emotional times without you. Steven, thanks for your humorous texts from home, keeping in touch, and your confidence to stick with it. Lastly, thank you to Whitney. At times it seemed the only good thing to come from lab was having met you. Thank you for listening as I talked through anxieties, frustrations, and career meanderings. Your support never faltered. Thanks also for the joys of cooking dinner together, farmers market Saturdays, walks, quiet study nights, Frisbee (yes, Frisbee), bad movies, and just being silly. I appreciated every moment with you and relied on you to make it to this point. I only hope I can be as supportive of you as you have been of me.