By using optical tweezers, we have investigated the mechanical unfolding of a minimal kissing complex with only two G⅐C base pairs. The loop-loop interaction is exceptionally stable; it is disrupted at forces ranging from 7 to 30 pN, as compared with 14 -20 pN for unfolding hairpins of 7 and 11 bp. By monitoring unfolding͞ folding trajectories of single molecules, we resolved the intermediates, measured their rate constants, and pinpointed the ratelimiting steps. The two hairpins unfold only after breaking the intramolecular kissing interaction, and the kissing interaction forms only after the folding of the hairpins. At forces that favor the unfolding of the hairpins, the entire RNA structure is kinetically stabilized by the kissing interaction, and extra work is required to unfold the metastable hairpins. The strong mechanical stability of even a minimal kissing complex indicates the importance of such loop-loop interactions in initiating and stabilizing RNA dimers in retroviruses.mechanical unfolding ͉ optical tweezers ͉ RNA dimerization ͉ single molecule ͉ RNA folding T ertiary interactions enable RNA to form long-range contacts and thereby form complex structures. However, thermodynamic and kinetic information for these interactions is scarce (1). Recent developments in single-molecule techniques allow a close look at the folding of individual RNA molecules (2-4). Particularly, the application of force to single-ribozyme molecules by optical tweezers (3) revealed the detailed unfolding pathways of this 390-nt RNA in nondenaturing solutions at physiological temperatures. It remains a challenge, however, to study the kinetics of individual steps in folding an RNA with complicated tertiary structures.A kissing interaction, a basic type of RNA tertiary contact, is the base-pairing formed by complementary sequences in the apical loops of two hairpins (5). Intramolecular kissing complexes have been found in many RNA structures, ranging from 75-nt tRNAs (6, 7) to megadalton ribosomes (8); intermolecular kissing interactions also are critical for many biological processes (reviewed in ref. 5), such as dimerization of retroviral genomic RNAs (9, 10). The simplest kissing interaction is formed between a pair of hairpins each with a GACG tetraloop (11). The third and fourth nucleotides in the loop form two G⅐C base pairs with their counterparts from the other hairpin. This minimal kissing interaction was initially found in the genomic RNA of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV), an extensively studied retrovirus (12) and one of the most used vectors for gene therapy (13). The 5Ј UTR of the MMLV genomic RNA contains four closely spaced stem loops (SL-A-SL-D) (14), each of which is capable of forming a kissing interaction with its counterpart in another copy of the genomic RNA (11,15,16). This region, including the two hairpins with GACG loops (SL-C and SL-D), serves both as the RNA dimerization initiation site (DIS) and as the RNA encapsidation signal () (17, 18).The kissing hairpins are evolutionarily conserved in the...