(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). These small RNAs resemble the "leader" sequence described by Colonno and Banerjee (9-11) in that they contain 46-48 nucleotides with a (p)ppAp at the 5' end and they lack poly(A) at the 3' end.The function of these VSV-specific small RNAs is unknown. To study their function, conditions were sought for reproducibly detecting their synthesis in infected cells. Neither standard infectious VSV nor DI particles of VSV alone led to the synthesis of any small virus-specific RNA. Only when cells were coinfected with standard and DI particles was a small RNA detected. The synthesis of this small RNA correlated directly with the replication of the genome of DI particles. Both RNA species were absent from coinfected cells when cycloheximide was present or when DI particles were irradiated with UV light prior to infection. These data can be interpreted in terms of interference with the growth of standard VSV by DI particles.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCells and Viruses. Suspension cultures of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, originally obtained from Amiya Banerjee, were grown in Joklik's modified minimal essential medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum. Cloned and sucrose gradient-purified standard infectious particles of VSV of the Indiana serotype (San Juan strain) and two different DI particles derived from the same San Juan standard VSV were used (12, 13). The DI-T particle has been characterized in detail (14-18). It is one-third the size of standard VSV and contains sequences from the 5' end of the genome. DI0.52 particles were selected from cloned VSV by multiple undiluted passages in mouse L cells and then subsequent growth in BHK cells. DI0.52 particles are twice the size of DI-T particles and also map at the 5' end of the VSV genome (unpublished observations). Both DI particles were sucrose gradient-purified and their multiplicities were determined as described (19).Labeling of Infected Cells. BHK cells were infected at a multiplicity of 20 with either standard VSV or DI particles alone or were coinfected with equal amounts of standard VSV or DI particles at a total multiplicity of 40. Detailed procedures for infection and labeling with 32P in the presence of actinomycin D have been published (1).Preparation and Analysis of RNA. RNAs from VSV particles or from infected cells were extracted as described (1). To analyze total cytoplasmic RNA, ethanol-precipitated RNA was resuspended in 5 ,gl of deionized H20 and mixed with an equal volume of double-strength electrophoresis buffer [6 M urea, the dyes xylene cyanol (XC) and bromphenol blue, and 0.01% sucrose]. To denature the large RNA species fully, they were first treated with 90% dimethyl sulfoxide and heated at 50'C for 30 min. This treatment was not necessary for small RNA. For the separation of virion RNA and mRNA (large RNAs), 1.5% agarose/6 M urea, pH 3.8 was used (1,20). Electrophoresis was at 100 V at 40C until the XC was 5 cm from the bottom of the gel. Then, the 1.5% agarose gel was dried and exposed to x-ray film as described (1).Fo...