Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park is one of the most important protected areas of the Brazilian Cerrado and is inhabited by diverse species, but the area has seldom been studied. From 2006 to 2008, we studied the impact of roads on wild vertebrates by recording roadkill on the two main roads located in the vicinity of the park. Of 824 killed vertebrates belonging to 138 species that were recorded, the species that were found most often in each vertebrate group were the Schneider's toad (Rhinella schneideri), the grassland sparrow (Ammodramus humeralis), the yellow-toothed cavy (Galea flavidens), and the marbled lancehead (Bothrops marmoratus). The roadkill rate was 0.096 animals km -1. Vertebrate mortality was significantly higher during the wet season. There is a significant relationship between habitat structure and the vertebrates that were found as roadkill: amphibians are associated with nearby forest and paved roads, birds with nearby pastures, reptiles with nearby grassland, and mammals with unpaved roads. Action should be taken such as highway fencing in combination with safe crossing opportunities for wildlife in order to decrease the number of animals killed on the roads. Keywords: road ecology, protected areas, conservation, cerrado. , o tico-tico-do-campo (Ammodramus humeralis), o preá (Galea flavidens) e a jararaca (Bothrops marmoratus). A taxa de atropelamento foi de 0.096 animais km -1 , com uma mortalidade significativamente maior durante a estac¸ã o chuvosa. Foi encontrada uma relac¸ã o significativa entre a estrutura do habitat e as classes de vertebrados atropelados nas rodovias, sendo o grupo dos anfíbios associados a fragmentos florestais e trechos pavimentadas das rodovias, o das aves associado com pastagens circundantes, répteis com campos e mamíferos com trechos nã o pavimentados das rodovias. Medidas como barreiras que impec¸am a movimentac¸ã o dos animais nas estradas, bem como passagens seguras sã o indicadas para a reduc¸ã o do nú mero de animais mortos nas rodovias na regiã o do Parque. Palavras-chave: ecologia de estradas, áreas protegidas, conservac¸ão, cerrado.