We present a practical method for autonomous synthesis of appropriate admittance behavior for robust high-precision robotic assembly. Because our approach relies on on-line learning of the appropriate admittance through repeated attempts at the assembly operation, we are able to circumvent the problems alternative approaches have in trying to model the interactions between the robot and its environment. Test results on the peg-in-hole insertion task show that the performance of our approach compares favorably with that of other methods recently proposed for highprecision chamferless peg-in-hole insertion.A primary concern in robotic assembly is to overcome part misalignment that can cause the assembly operation to fail. Precision assembly operations are particularly susceptible to misalignment. As the clearance between parts decreases, part misalignments become increasingly critical because the precision required approaches the level of uncertainty in positioning the parts. In such cases, conventional position control of the assembly operation has to be augmented with some method of overcoming possible misalignments. One approach is to use geometric path planning techniques to determine a motion sequence that has the highest likelihood of success given the part geometries and the margins of uncertainty in executing that sequence. Pre-imaging [12], backprojection [B], and other strategies (e.g., [5, 71) have been proposed for geometric path planning.Alternative approaches, based on reactive control, try to counter the effects of uncertainty with on-line modification of the assembly path based on sensory feedback. Compliant motion control, in which the motion path is modified by contact forces or tactile stimuli occurring during the motion, is often used. In this paper, we focus on force-guided assembly strategies that cause the manipulator to deviate from its nominal motion path depending on the sensed contact forces.Force control serves two purposes. First, it can be used to prevent excessive contact forces from damaging the parts or the manipulator during assembly. More importantly, force control can correct part misalignment by mapping contact forces arising from misalignment to motions that reduce the misalignment.A key component in implementing force-guided assembly therefore is to specify the manipulator's admittance, which determines how the manipulator responds to forces. The specified admittance behavior can be realized in several ways. Passive mechanical devices such as the remote center compliance (RCC)[18] can be used to implement fixed diagonalized linear admittance mappings. When different admittances are to be used for assembling different parts, more elaborate active compliance devices can be programmed to exhibit the desired admittance characteristics. The admittance also can be implemented in software, which has the advantage that complex, nonlinear admittances can be realized without resorting to special hardware.The difficulty, however, lies in determining the appropriate admittance to use when...