Over the past few years, an increasing number of men have received surgery to enhance or restore facial hair. This came at a time when beards re-entered mainstream fashion. Drawing on the research literature, this article explores the apparent link between facial hair fashion and rates of beard transplants, and considers deeper-seated psychological explanations for the trend, including perceptions of masculinity, social dominance, age and attractiveness. The question of whether beard transplants will continue to proliferate is also explored.
Key wordsFacial hair; Male appearance; Cosmetic surgery; Appearance trends
Key pointsData suggests the global incidence of beard transplants increased three-fold between 2012 and 2014.Research has consistently linked full-bearded men to greater perceived masculinity, social dominance and age.More mixed evidence exists regarding perceptions of attractiveness for men with full beards.Recent research suggests full coverage and uniformity of facial hair, which can be achieved through facial hair surgery, is linked to greater attractiveness.