The high demand for supplies during the COVID19-pandemic has generated several stock-out of material and essential reagents needed to meet the current high demand for diagnosis in the worldwide population. In this way, there is limited information regarding the performance of different virus transport medium (VTM) for nasopharyngeal swab sampling (NPS) aimed for SARS-CoV-2 detection. We compared the RT-qPCR amplification profile of four different commercial transport medium kits, including DNA/RNA Shield, NAT, VTM, and Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) transport medium, for NPSs samples from Central Metropolitan Health Service, Santiago, Chile. The RT-qPCR showed a slight lower RNase P Cq value of the samples preserved and transported in DNA/RNA Shield compared to NAT medium. By contrast, a marked increase in the RNase P Cq value was registered in the samples transported with VTM compared to DNA/RNA Shield medium. For PBS-preserved NPS, the performance of two strategies were assessed due to the potential presence of any remaining active virus in the sample: (1) thermal inactivation; and (2) thermal inactivation treatment followed by RNA extraction. The heat inactivation showed a significantly lower Cq value for RNase P and viral ORF1ab Cq compared to the followed by RNA extraction. This study indicates that new medium alternatives could be used if supplies run out to diagnose COVID19