As minimally invasive operations evolve, it is imperative to evaluate the advantages and risks involved. The aim of our study was to evaluate our institution's experience in incorporating a robotic platform for transhiatal esophagectomy (THE). Patients undergoing robotic THE were prospectively followed. Data are presented as median (mean ± SD). Forty-five patients were of 67 (67 ± 6.9) years and BMI 26 (27 ± 5.5) kg/m2. Nine per cent of operations were converted to “open,” but none in the last 25 operations. Operative duration of robotic THE was 334 (364 ± 108.8) minutes and estimated blood loss was 200 (217 ± 144.0) mL, which decreased with time ( P = 0.017). Length of stay was 8 (12 ± 11.1) days. Twenty per cent had respiratory failure requiring intubation that resolved, 4 per cent developed pneumonia, 11 per cent developed a surgical site infection, 2 per cent developed renal insufficiency, and 2 per cent developed a UTI. Two per cent (one patient) died within 30 days postoperatively, because of cardiac arrest. Our experience with robotic THE promotes robotic application because we endeavor to achieve high-level proficiency. With experience, we improved estimated blood loss and converted fewer transhiatal esophagectomies to “open.” Our length of hospital stay seems long but reflects the ill-health of patients, as does the variety of complications. Our data support the evolving future of THE, which will integrally include a robotic approach.