Industrial robots have become an important part of every technical institution. The experiment was held on the flexible manufacturing cell for robot movement and cell control. The executed robot movements are transferred to the software for the model used called SCORBASE. The software is able to control the entire flexible cell, including the robot movement, the control of the machine door and the clamping device, and the transport of the parts with pneumatic feeding. The robot is mounted on a mobile axis, which allows additional movement of the robot, as the robot is located in a flexible cell with two machines (CNC Mill and CNC Lathe) and pallets for picking up and placing objects. In this paper, the movement of the robot in its workspace is described using the positions created with the teach pendant device for manual robot movement. These stored positions are used to program part priorities for transferring individual parts from the part feeders to the machine for the manufacturing process and then back to the pallet for the finished parts. The part priorities described in this paper are used to supply machines with six parts, four parts on the CNC lathe and two parts on the CNC Mill.