Development of digital technology opens up new opportunities for corporate governance. At the same time, modern law faces a difficult task – to find a balance between creating conditions for development of technologies including by means of non-interference, and providing the stakeholders in corporate governance with proper legal guarantees. This paper considers the impact of some of the most significant digital technologies on corporate governance, such as distributed ledger technology, smart contracts and artificial intelligence. There are certain legal trends and challenges arising from such innovations including the pursuance of sociability, peer-to-peer and decentralization of corporate governance which in many cases is associated with abolishing of bodies (of a part of bodies) for a corporation management, or transferring their powers (a part of powers) to the corporation members and/or to a computer program (artificial intelligence, algorithm, smart contract). Besides, the paper considers occurrences of new subject of corporate relations – crypto-assets (tokens) holders as well as the possibility for recognition of the legal personality of computer programs, in particular, decentralized autonomous organizations and artificial intelligence.