The robust aeroelastic control of a three-degrees-of-freedom (3DOF) linear and non-linear wing-flap system under sliding mode control (SMC) and operation in supersonic flight speeds is presented. Open-and closed-loop aeroelastic responses to blast and sonic-boom excitation in the wingflap system with uncertainty, as well as flutter analysis, are investigated along with the implementation of a Sliding Mode Observer (SMO). The effectiveness of control in reducing the amplitude of oscillation and preventing flutter instability is demonstrated. NOMENCLATURE a = Non-dimensional elastic axis position measured from the mid-chord, positive aft B = Ratio of the nonlinear to the linear pitching stiffness M, H, K= Mass, damping, and stiffness matrices b = Half-chord length e = Non-dimensional leading-edge flap position measured from the mid-chord, positive aft , a c F F = Aerodynamic and control load vectors , , h α β = Plunging, pitching, and flap displacements , I I α β = Mass moment of inertia per unit span of the wing-flap system about the elastic axis (EA) and of the flap about the flap axis (FA) of rotation, respectively , , h k k k α β = Stiffness parameters in plunging, torsional stiffness of the wing and flap about the EA , , ea L M H β = Total lift per span, aerodynamic moment, and hinge moment , , a ea l m h β = Non-dimensional aerodynamic lift, moment, and torque m = Airfoil mass per unit span M F , M f = Flutter speed and flight speed ρ ∞ = undisturbed density , U V ∞ = free stream speed and its nondimensional counterpart , r r α β = Non-dimensional radii of gyration of the wingflap system about EA , S x α α = Static unbalance about EA and its nondimensional counterpart , S x β β = Static unbalance about FA and its nondimensional counterpart , t τ = Time variable and its nondimensional counterpart κ = Polytropic gas coefficient