“…A state feedback (continuous or not) is said to be a local stabilizer in the sample-and-hold sense if, for a suitable initial ball and an arbitrary small ball of the origin, there exists a suitable small sampling period such that the feedback control law obtained by sampling and holding the above state feedback, with the given sampling period, keeps uniformly bounded all the trajectories starting in any point of the initial ball and, moreover, drives all such trajectories into the small ball, uniformly in a maximum finite time, keeping them in, thereafter. Here, it is proved theoretically that the implementation by sampling and holding, for suitable small sampling period, of a given state feedback designed in the continuous time basis, which is shown in the literature to yield local stabilization (see [28]), provides local stabilization in the sample-and-hold sense. This result is expected, nevertheless its non trivial theoretical proof allows us to add a further important property to this controller proposed in the literature by the authors, which has been shown to perform very well when checked in closed-loop on a population of virtual patients modeled by means of the computer simulator in [17], accepted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a substitute to animal trials for the preclinical testing of control strategies in artificial pancreas (see [30]).…”