Abstract. Common approaches to solving a robust optimization problem decompose the problem into a master problem (MP) and adversarial problems (APs). The MP contains the original robust constraints, written, however, only for finite numbers of scenarios. Additional scenarios are generated on the fly by solving the APs. We consider in this work the budgeted uncertainty polytope from Bertsimas and Sim, widely used in the literature, and propose new dynamic programming algorithms to solve the APs that are based on the maximum number of deviations allowed and on the size of the deviations. Our algorithms can be applied to robust constraints that occur in various applications such as lot-sizing, the traveling salesman problem with time windows, scheduling problems, and inventory routing problems, among many others. We show how the simple version of the algorithms leads to a fully polynomial time approximation scheme when the deterministic problem is convex. We assess numerically our approach on a lot-sizing problem, showing a comparison with the classical mixed integer linear programming reformulation of the AP.Key words. robust optimization, budgeted uncertainty, dynamic programming, row-andcolumn generation, FPTAS DOI. 10.1137/15M10070701. Introduction. Robust optimization (RO) is a popular framework to handle the uncertainty that arises in optimization problems. The essence of RO lies in ensuring that feasible solutions satisfy the robust constraints for all parameter realizations in a given uncertainty set Ξ. Since the seminal work of [11], the framework has been used in numerous applications; see [9,12,21] and the references therein. The success of RO can be explained mainly by the following reasons. First, it is simple to use and understand since it only requires knowledge of uncertainty sets. Second, RO very often yields optimization problems that are not more difficult to solve than the original problems.The classical approach to RO trades the robust constraints for convex reformulations. The initial works were based on conic duality (e.g., [9]) but recent works have extended the scope of convex reformulations by using other tools, such as Fenchel duality [8] or the result "primal worst equals dual best" [22]. In this work, we consider an alternative approach, based on decomposition algorithms. Our work falls into the recent trend that solves complex RO problems without reformulating the robust constraints as convex ones. Instead, we relax the problem into a so-called master