Tracking control in a receding horizon fiamework is considered and a novel, optimization-based, linear tracking control strategy -Linear Quadratic Tracking (LQT) is de vised. LQT yields a closed-form solution to optimizationbased tracking of a dynamic reference signal r(t), in the face of both rate and amplitude actuator constraints; Actuator dynamics are included. Also, there is no inherent mukment for stability of the open-loop plant. At the same time, full state feedback is assumed. The detrimental effects of the actuator constraints are mitigated by giving the control system a nonlinearly modified, feasible refaence signal r'(t), as requid to prevent downstream actuator saturations from occurring. Thus, the controller generated signal never infringes on the saturation bounds, and windup is precluded. The analytic solution to the linear, unconstrained, tracking problem meets the small signal performance specs and is stable. The proposed piecewise linear closed form solution to the constrained tracking problem yields good responses to large inputs and at the same time requires modest on-line computation, and hence is implementable in real-time.1. Introduction Actuator saturation is a topic of active research in control theory, [1]- [7]. Most of the current literature is geared toward the regulation and set-point control problems as opposed to tracking control, and thus does not directly apply to maneuvering and manual flight control. Also, most of the work fails to address actuator rate saturation. Notable exceptions concerning tracking control are [3], 141,[6], [7], and rate saturation is explicitly adin [61, [7]. Additionally, in the tradition of Popov's work [81, most papers The exogenous system input is the reference signal from the pilot. The approach acknowledges the existence of hard constraints from the outset, and "small signal" performance is not sacrificed.
Manual Flight ControlManual flight control entails a pilot flying an aircraft "by the seat of his pants" in order to satisfy a mission objective, e.g., in military aviation one objective is to engage enemy aircraft. Thus, manual flight control calls for tracking control. The tracking task begins at some point subsequent to take-off and cruise (where the aircrztft could be flown by the autopilot). Thus, the manual tracking taskis an "open-ended" problem which evolves in time; its duration is unknown prior to the completion of the task.Moreover, in the case of aircraft manual flight control, the tracking situation arises where the reference signal is known in advance. Furthermore, these control problems are strictly of a dynamic and transient nature. "Steady state" is meaningless in maneuvering and manual flight control. All of this stands in stark contrast to the classical regulation paradigm. These considerations, and bearing in mind the very nature of hard actuator constraints, indicate that the manual flight control problem should be addmsed in the time domain. Furthermore, the constrained actuator control problem is most commonly tr...