Fig. 1. We add parallax for 360 • videos, for viewing in virtual reality head-mounted displays (HMDs). This translates into a more compelling viewing experience, as our user studies confirm. Left: Captured point of view as shown in the HMD (top), and a novel view as the user moves their head (bottom); this novel view is generated with our method and was not captured by the camera. Right, top row: Straightforward approaches based on image-based rendering do not work well due to suboptimal quality of the depth information. Original view (left) captured with the GoPro Odyssey, and a close-up of novel views generated with three different methods (right): (A) naive reprojection of RGB information, (B) naive handling of disocclusions, and (C) our method, relying on a robust layered representation. Right, bottom row: We also propose a depth map improvement step to correct for errors that have a high impact on reprojection. Original view (left) from a YouTube video (, and close-ups showing depth maps and a displaced view computed with them, for the original estimated depth map (top row), and for our improved depth map (bottom row).