The main purpose of identifying and locating the vessels of the retina is to specify the various tissues from the vascular structure of the retina (which could be differencied between wide or tight) of the background of the fundus image. There exist several segmentation techniques that are spreading to divide the retinal vessels, depending on the issues and complexity of the retinal images. Fuzzy c-means is one of the most often used algorithms for retinal image segmentation due to its effectiveness and speed. This paper analyzes the performance of improved FCM algorithms for retinal image segmentation in terms of their ability and capability in segmenting and isolating blood vessels. The process we followed in our paper consists of two phases. Firstly, the pre-processing phase, where the green channel is taken for the color image of the retina. Contrast enhancement is performed through CLAHE , proceeded by applying bottom-hat filtering to bottom-hat filtering is applied with the purpose to define the region of interest. Secondly, in the segmentation phase the obtained image is segmented using FCM algorithms. The algorithms chosen for this study are: FCM, EnFCM, SFCM, FGFCM, FRFCM, DSFCM N, FCM SICM and, SSFCM performed on DRIVE and STARE databases. Experiments accomplished on DRIVE and STARE databases demonstrate that the DSFCM N algorithm achieves better results on the DRIVE database, whereas the FGFCM algorithm provides better results on the STARE database in term of accuracy. Concerning time consumption. The FRFCM algorithm requires less time than other algorithms in the segmentation of retinal images.