This article presents the research results on transformation of innovative potential of company employees during the post-crisis period by means of active visualization. A large number of executives distinguish the signs of experiencing crisis by company employees. There is striking need for implementation of innovations in the work of companies for the purpose of adjusting to the current situation in the world. The article describes innovative potential along with its content (creative approach towards work; attitude of personnel towards work in the situation of uncertainty; proactivity; low level of anxiety; high search activity). The data acquired in the course of diagnosis of innovative potential allows determining several groups of employees with different level of readiness for its fulfillment: with critical and low level of readiness for innovation; with tolerable level of readiness for innovation; with evident level of readiness for innovation. The majority of respondents are attributed the group with low level of readiness for innovation. The main sections of the program for training employees pertinent to the development of their innovative potential are outlined. The key component in implementation of such program consists in active visualization as a means for transformation of employees’ perceptions on innovation. It was determined that the use of visualization within the framework of helping employees to overcome changes significantly increased their innovative potential and readiness for innovation in their work. The respondents marked the increase in observation skills, ability to think outside the box, and relief of the fear of changes that take place in the company in post-crisis period.