Multimedia fingerprinting, also know as ro-to be managed with respect to their intellectual property rights, bust/perceptual hashing and replica detection is an emerging an appropriate similarity metric and an efficient search strategy technology that can be used as an alternative to watermarking for in order to devise a DRM system. More specifically, such a the efficient Digital Rights Management (DRM) of multimedia data. Two fingerprinting approaches are reviewed in this paper. system can decide If a query digital item resembles a referenceThe first is an image fingerprinting technique that makes use item in the database. If this is indeed the case, the query item of color-based descriptors, R-trees and Linear Discriminant is identified as being a copy (replica) of the corresponding Analysis (LDA). The second is a video fingerprinting method item in the database and legal action can be pursued against that utilizes information about the appearances of actors in videos its owner/distributor if he is not posessing/distributing it in a along with an efficient search strategy. Experimental performance its w tor if he otposessing/distri itois anayss s roidd fr ot mthds legal way. In order to be of practical use, the feature vectors and the matching procedure involved in a fingerprinting system