The Kernel Foley-Sammon Transform (KFST) performs well in solving nonlinear discriminant analysis problems. However, as a kernel method, KFST also faces with large kernel matrix calculation problems O(n 3 ) with the sample size n. KFST will be very costly and even intractable to compute when n is large. In this paper, we propose a Fast Clustering-based Kernel Foley-Sammon Transform (FCKFST) approach to tackle this problem. FCKFST solves KFST over a reductive l × l matrix representing clustering data instead of an n × n matrix of the original data, where l is exceedingly smaller than n. This paper also proves that FCKFST improving the calculating efficiency does not decrease the classification precision with comparison to KFST. We apply our method to digit and image recognition problems, and we obtain good experimental results.