This paper proposes B design technique of statefeedback H , control With transient response shaping. For direct transient response shaping, loae eigenstructure assignment technique is a effective technique. By using this technique, each of c~o s~.~o o p eigenvalues (pale) and eigenveetan are assiwed in the corresponding eigenvalue regions and eigenvector cones individually. The loose eigenstrueture assignment problem is reduced to a rank-one LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality) problem, and easily combined with H , control by means of enhanced LMI characterization. 11. PRELIMINARY technique in the present paper is onginally proposed by the authors in [4].In what follows, A > 0 (2 0) means that an Hermitian matrix A is positive definite (semidefinite). For a matrix A. A' and AT denote conjugate UansPose and transpose respectively. A Kronecker product of compatible matrices A,, A2 is expressed as AI @ A*.