Abstract-In this paper a novel rotation-invariant neural-based pattern recognition system is proposed. The system incorporates a new image preprocessing technique to extract rotationinvariant descriptive patterns from the shapes. The proposed system applies a three phase algorithm on the shape image to extract the rotation-invariant pattern. First, the orientation angle of the shape is calculated using a newly developed shape orientation technique. The technique is effective, computationally inexpensive and can be applied to shapes with several nonequally separated axes of symmetry. A simple method to calculate the average angle of the shape's axes of symmetry is defined. In this technique, only the first moment of inertia is considered to reduce the computational cost. In the second phase, the image is rotated using a simple rotation technique to adapt its orientation angle to any specific reference angle. Finally in the third phase, the image preprocessor creates a symmetrical pattern about the axis with the calculated orientation angle and the perpendicular axis on it. Performing this operation in both the neural network training and application phases, ensures that the test rotated patterns will enter the network in the same position as in the training. Three different approaches were used to create the symmetrical patterns from the shapes. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is very effective and provide a recognition rate up to 99.5%.