“…(1993) Appendix A SAS/IML Program for Q-Statistics *Checking for symmetry using the Q2 and Q1 indices presented in Babu, Padmanabhan and Puri (1999); *This program details all the steps in obtaining the Q2 and Q1 indices; OPTIONS NOCENTER; PROC IML; RESET NONAME; *Although the Q2 and Q1 calculations differ, both share common steps; *Hence, they are incorporated into one module QMOD with the variable QCHOICE being the switch that activates Q2 or Q1: 1 activates Q1 and 2 activates Q2; START QMOD(QCHOICE,Y,OSY,GINFO,Q) GLOBAL(NY,WOBS,BOBS,PER); G = INT(PER#NY); NYPRIME = NY -2#G; NPRIME = SUM(NYPRIME); *Initialize group information matrix; IF QCHOICE = 1 THEN GINFO = J(BOBS, 1:3,8]`#NYPRIME)/NPRIME; ELSE IF QCHOICE = 2 THEN Q = SUM(GINFO [1:3,9]`#NYPRIME)/NPRIME; FINISH; *QMOD; START SHOWGRP(X, GINFO); X1 = X[GINFO [1,3]:GINFO [1,4] , 40, 32, 48, 32, 52, 41, 35, 30, 99, 40, 35, 34, 39, 50, 49, 35, 43, 36, 40, 56, 41, 40, 64, 42, 48, 51, 63, 51, 60, 51, 83, 55, 55, 48}; *Group sizes are entries in the following 1x3 row vector; NY = {15 10 10}; *WOBS and BOBS are variable names carried over from past programs; *WOBS = within subjects groups; WOBS = NCOL(Y); *BOBS = between subject groups; BOBS = NCOL(NY); Wilcox, Othman and Fradette (2002) found that by utilizing a test for symmetry prior to testing for equality of trimmed means they were able to achieve excellent Type I error control even though data were extremely heterogeneous and very nonnormal in form. In particular, they used a test for symmetry first proposed by Hogg, Fisher, and Randles (1975) and subsequently modified by Babu, Padmanaban and Puri (1999) in order to determine whether data should be trimmed symmetrically or asymmetrically.…”