Many state-of-the-art adversarial training methods leverage upper bounds of the adversarial loss to provide security guarantees. Yet, these methods require computations at each training step that can not be incorporated in the gradient for backpropagation. We introduce a new, more principled approach to adversarial training based on a closed form solution of an upper bound of the adversarial loss, which can be effectively trained with backpropagation. This bound is facilitated by state-ofthe-art tools from robust optimization. We derive two new methods with our approach. The first method (Approximated Robust Upper Bound or aRUB) uses the first order approximation of the network as well as basic tools from linear robust optimization to obtain an approximate upper bound of the adversarial loss that can be easily implemented. The second method (Robust Upper Bound or RUB), computes an exact upper bound of the adversarial loss. Across a variety of tabular and vision data sets we demonstrate the effectiveness of our more principled approach -RUB is substantially more robust than state-of-the-art methods for larger perturbations, while aRUB matches the performance of state-of-the-art methods for small perturbations. Also, both RUB and aRUB run faster than standard adversarial training (at the expense of an increase in memory). All the code to reproduce the results can be found at