This paper presents a framework to address the robust output feedback consensus problem for networked heterogeneous nonlinear Negative-Imaginary (NI) systems with free body dynamics. The aim of this paper is to complete and extend the results in previous papers on robust output feedback consensus for multiple heterogeneous nonlinear NI systems so that the systems in the network are allowed to have free body motion. A subclass of NI systems called Output Strictly Negative-Imaginary (OSNI) systems are applied as controllers to ensure that the outputs of the nonlinear NI plants converge to the same limit trajectory. The definitions of nonlinear NI systems and nonlinear OSNI systems are extended and a new stability result is developed for the interconnection of a single nonlinear NI system and a single nonlinear OSNI system. Robust output feedback consensus is addressed by establishing a similar stability result for the interconnection of networked NI systems and networked OSNI systems.