We derive the diagram of the topological phases accessible within a generic Hamiltonian describing quantum anomalous Hall effect for photons and electrons in honeycomb lattices in presence of a Zeeman field and Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC). The two cases differ crucially by the winding number of their SOC, which is 1 for the Rashba SOC of electrons, and 2 for the photon SOC induced by the energy splitting between the TE and TM modes. As a consequence, the two models exhibit opposite Chern numbers ±2 at low field. Moreover, the photonic system shows a topological transition absent in the electronic case. If the photonic states are mixed with excitonic resonances to form interacting exciton-polaritons, the effective Zeeman field can be induced and controlled by a circularly polarized pump. This new feature allows an all-optical control of the topological phase transitions.
PACS numbers:The discovery of the quantum Hall effect [1] and its explanation in terms of topology [2,3] have refreshed the interest to the band theory in condensed matter physics leading to the definition of a new class of insulators [4,5]. They include quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) phase [6] with broken time reversal (TR) symmetry [7][8][9] (also called Chern or Z insulators) and Quantum Spin Hall (QSH or Z 2 ) Topological Insulators with conserved TR symmetry [10][11][12]. The QSH effect was initially predicted to occur in honeycomb lattices because of the intrinsic Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC) of the atoms forming the lattice, whereas the extrinsic Rashba SOC is detrimental for QSH [11]. On the other hand, the classical anomalous Hall effect is now known to arise from a combination of extrinsic Rashba SOC and of an effective Zeeman field [13]. In a 2D lattice with Dirac cones it leads to the formation of a QAH phase, for which the intrinsic SOC is detrimental [14][15][16]. In the large Rashba SOC limit, this description was found to converge towards an extended Haldane model [14]. Another field, which has considerably grown these last years, is the emulation of such topological insulators with different types of particles, such as fermions (either charged, as electrons in nanocrystals [17,18], or neutral, such as fermionic atoms in optical lattices [19,20]) and bosons (atoms, photons, or mixed light-matter quasiparticles) [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. The main advantage of artificial analogs is the possibility to tune the parameters [30], to obtain inaccessible regimes, and to measure quantities out of reach in the original systems. These analogs also call for their own applications, beyond those of the originals. Photonic systems have indeed allowed the first demonstration the QAHE [31,32], later implemented in electronic [33] and atomic systems [34]. They have allowed the realization of topological bands with high Chern numbers (C n ) [35], making possible to work with superpositions of chiral edge states. From an applied point of view, they open the way to non-reciprocal photonic transport, highly desirable to implement logical photonic ...