“…Earthworm at the Base AQMS uses the Earthworm (Johnson et al, 1995;Olivieri and Clinton, 2012) automatic processing system. Written in the C programming language, Earthworm provides multiple waveform processing modules, multiple phase pickers (e.g., pick_ew, pick_FP, coda_picker, carlstatrig), a ground-motion parameters module (gmew), a local magnitude algorithm (localmag), one subnet coincidence trigger (carlsubtrig) event detector, and one event detector and pick associator named binder_ew (Johnson et al, 1997). To obtain refined hypocenter locations, Earthworm can be configured to run the Hypoinverse (Klein, 2002) or NonLinLoc (Lomax et al, 2000(Lomax et al, , 2009) earthquake locators.…”