In this paper, I try to tame "Basu's elephants" (data with extreme selection on observables). I propose new practical large-sample and finite-sample methods for estimating and inferring heterogeneous causal effects (under unconfoundedness) in the empirically relevant context of limited overlap. I develop a general principle called "Stable Probability Weighting" (SPW) that can be used as an alternative to the widely used Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) technique, which relies on strong overlap. I show that IPW (or its augmented version), when valid, is a special case of the more general SPW (or its doubly robust version), which adjusts for the extremeness of the conditional probabilities of the treatment states. The SPW principle can be implemented using several existing large-sample parametric, semiparametric, and nonparametric procedures for conditional moment models. In addition, I provide new finite-sample results that apply when unconfoundedness is plausible within fine strata. Since IPW estimation relies on the problematic reciprocal of the estimated propensity score, I develop a "Finite-Sample Stable Probability Weighting" (FPW) set-estimator that is unbiased in a sense. I also propose new finite-sample inference methods for testing a general class of weak null hypotheses. The associated computationally convenient methods, which can be used to construct valid confidence sets and to bound the finite-sample confidence distribution, are of independent interest. My large-sample and finite-sample frameworks extend to the setting of multivalued treatments.