In this article, we consider a cognitive radio (CR) communication system based on spectrum sharing schemes, where we have a secondary user (SU) link with multiple transmitting antennas and a single receiving antenna, coexisting with a primary user (PU) link with a single receiving antenna. At the SU transmitter (SU-Tx), the channel state information (CSI) of the SU link is assumed to be perfectly known; while the interference channel from the SU-Tx to the PU receiver (PU-Rx) is not perfectly known due to less cooperation between the SU and the PU. As such, the SUTx is only assumed to know that the interference channel gain can randomly take values from a finite set with certain probabilities. Considering a SU transmit power constraint, our design objective is to determine the transmit covariance matrix that maximizes the SU rate, while we protect the PU by enforcing both a PU average interference constraint and a PU outage probability constraint. This problem is first formulated as a non-convex optimization problem with a non-explicit probabilistic constraint, which is then approximated as a mixed binary integer programming (MBIP) problem and solved with the branch and bound (BB) algorithm. The complexity of the BB algorithm is analyzed and numerical results are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. A key result proved in the article is that the rank of the optimal transmit covariance matrix is one, i.e., CR beamforming is optimal under PU outage constraints. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to provide a suboptimal solution to our MBIP problem by efficiently (in polynomial time) solving a particularly-constructed convex problem.