This work deals with the problem of the accurate task space control subject to finite-time convergence. Kinematic and dynamic equations of a rigid robotic manipulator are assumed to be uncertain. Moreover, unbounded disturbances, i.e., such structures of the modelling functions that are generally not bounded by construction, are allowed to act on the manipulator when tracking the trajectory by the end-effector. Based on suitably defined task space non-singular terminal sliding vector variable and the Lyapunov stability theory, we derive a class of absolutely continuous (chattering-free) robust controllers based on the estimation of a Jacobian transpose matrix, which seem to be effective in counteracting uncertain both kinematics and dynamics, unbounded disturbances and (possible) kinematic and/or algorithmic singularities met on the robot trajectory. The numerical simulations carried out for a 2DOF robotic manipulator with two revolute kinematic pairs and operating in a two-dimensional task space, illustrate performance of the proposed controllers.