Mechanical resonance is a common problem in drive systems with elastic coupling. On-line adaptive notch filter is widely used to make system stable and the key of this method is to identify natural torsional frequency from speed feedback signal. However, because of common adoption of digital control and expansion of system bandwidth, oscillation frequency of the system is more likely to deviate from natural torsional frequency to a higher one. When oscillation frequency is shifted, the enabled notch filter with erroneous notch frequency causes an oscillation with a lower frequency and even makes resonance severer. In order to explain this phenomenon, the classical two-mass model based classification of resonances is checked at first. Then, by taking digital control, current loop delay and saturation nonlinearity into consideration, an improved digital mechanical resonance model is proposed and a criterion for oscillation frequency deviation is finally obtained. Furthermore, a more widely applicable and robust notch filter tuning strategy with no oscillation rebound is presented. In the end, the validity of aforementioned analysis and strategy is verified by experimental results.