It is a challenging task to develop an effective and robust object tracking method due to factors such as severe occlusion, background clutters, abrupt motion, illumination variation and so on. In this paper, a novel tracking algorithm based on weighted subspace reconstruction error is proposed. The discriminative weights are defined through minimizing reconstruction error with positive dictionary while maximizing reconstruction error with negative dictionary. Then, confidence map for candidates is computed through subspace reconstruction error. Finally, the location of the target object is estimated by maximizing the decision map which is combined discriminative weights and subspace reconstruction error. Furthermore, the new evaluation method based on forward-backward tracking criterion to verify the robustness of the current tracking performance in updating stage, which can reduce the accumulated error effectively. Experimental results on some challenging video sequences show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against eleven state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and robustness.Object tracking is one of the most research topics due to its wide range of applications such as behavior analysis, activity recognition, video surveillance, and human-computer interaction. Although it has obtained a significant progress in the past decades, developing an efficient and robust tracking algorithm is still a challenging task due to numerous factors such as illumination variation, partial occlusion, pose change, abrupt motion, background clutter and so on.The main tracking algorithms can be classified into two kinds: generative 1-7 or discriminative methods. [8][9][10][11][12] Generative methods focus on searching for the regions which are the most similar to the tracked targets with minimal reconstruction errors of tracking. Adaptive models including the WSL tracker 13 and IVT method 4 have been proposed to handle appearance variation. Adam 1 used several