The Bayesian Network approach is a probabilistic method with an increasing use in the risk assessment of complex systems. It has proven to be a reliable and powerful tool with the flexibility to include different types of data (from experimental data to expert judgement). The incorporation of system reliability methods allows traditional Bayesian networks to work with random variables with discrete and continuous distributions. On the other hand, probabilistic uncertainty comes from the complexity of reality that scientists try to reproduce by setting a controlled experiment, while imprecision is related to the quality of the specific instrument making the measurements. This imprecision or lack of data can be taken into account by the use of intervals and probability boxes as random variables in the network. The resolution of the system reliability problems to deal with these kinds of uncertainties has been carried out adopting Monte Carlo simulations. However, the latter method is computationally expensive preventing from producing a real-time analysis of the system represented by the network. In this work, the line sampling algorithm is used as an effective method to improve the efficiency of the reduction process from enhanced to traditional Bayesian networks. This allows to preserve all the advantages without increasing excessively the computational cost of the analysis. As an application example, a risk assessment of an oscillating water column is carried out using data obtained in the laboratory. The proposed method is run using the multipurpose software OpenCossan. in 1988, originally for the artificial intelligence area (Pearl 1991). Currently, the BNs have many more applications ranging from system dependability (Castillo et al. 1997) and risk analysis (Hudson et al. 2002), to system maintenance (Kang and Golay 1999). It is worth noticing that this method has attracted an increasing interest, reaching 800% according to (Weber et al. 2012), during the last 20 years. The success of Bayesian networks rests on the graphical representation of the system, which renders them intuitive and easy to understand even by for non-experts. In addition, this method can be used to provide a diagnostic or predictive reasoning, a combination of both (Korb and Nicholson 2004) and also they accept new evidence that can be used to update the network and to adapt the model to the new parameters. Moreover, information of different types (e.g. expert judgment, experimental data, historical records, feedback experience, theoretical models, etc.) can be merged in the same network, inside structures called probability tables (or conditional probability tables in the case of children nodes). These tables are filled with crisp probability values, providing a global dependability estimation (Jensen and Nielsen 2007). On the other hand, the high acceptance of the traditional Bayesian networks for uncertainty