Pressure-pulse,constant-pressureflow, and pressure-buildup tests have been performed in bedded evaporitesof the Salado Formationat theWaste IsolationPilotPlant (WIPP) siteto evaluatethe hydraulic propertiescontrollingbrineflow throughthe Saiado. Transmissivitiesrangingfrom about 7 x 1015to 5 x 1013m2/shave been interpretedfromsix sequencesof testsconductedonfive stratigraphic intervalswithin 15 m of the WIPP undergroundexcavations. The correspondingvertically averaged hydraulic conductivitiesof the intervalsrange from about 1 x 1014to 2 x 1012 rn/s (permeabilitiesof 2 x 1021 to 3 x 1019m2). Storativitiesof thetested intervals;ange from about1 x 108 to 2 x 106, and valuesof specific storagerangefrom 9 x 108 to 1 x 10s m1, Porepressuresin eightstratigraphicintervalsrange from about 2.5 to 12.5 MPa, and appear to be affectedby stressrelief aroundthe excavations. Anhydriteinterbeds appear to be one or more orders of magnitudemore permeablethan the surroundinghalite, primarily becauseof subhorizontalbedding-planefracturespresentin the anhydrites. Interpretationsof the tests revealedno apparenthydrologic boundarieswithinthe radiiof influenceof thetests,whichwere calculated to range from about2 to 20 m from the test holes. An assumptionof Darcy flow throughthe evaporites is thoughtto be a reasonableinterpretiveapproachbecauseDarcy-flowmodelsare able to replicatethe flow and pressurebehaviorobserved duringentire testing sequencesinvolvingdifferenttypes of tests performedwithdifferenthydraulicgradients.